
Messy Ideologies

Tracing the movements and their impact on modern societal trends

The 20th and 21st centuries saw major societal shifts. They were influenced by movements that reshaped views on humanity, ethics, and social norms. On a minor scale, we have casino games – like the ones we find on – gaining acceptance in our society. But other shifts were big. Sometimes, they resulted in the dehumanization of individuals. As a consequence, it affected views on abortion, surrogacy, marriage decline, and child gender identity transitions. It’s essential to understand these movements to grasp the complexities of today’s societal trends.

1. The Rise of Individualism

One key movement has been the rise of individualism. It has its origins in the Enlightenment ideals of personal autonomy and freedom. Individualism grew during the 20th century. The emphasis moved from societal well-being to individual rights and self-fulfillment. This shift led to a focus on personal choice and autonomy, often sidelining traditional communal and moral values.

  • Consequences:

    • Abortion: The emphasis on individual autonomy has framed abortion as a right. The focus here is on a woman’s control over her body rather than the fetus’s potential life.
    • Surrogacy: Surrogacy is seen as a personal choice and a means of fulfilling individual desires for parenthood. It often sidelines ethical concerns about the surrogate’s exploitation.
    • Decline of Marriage: Marriage was once seen as a foundational societal institution. Now, it is often viewed through the lens of personal satisfaction and fulfillment.
    • Gender Identity Transitions for Kids: The focus on individual rights extends to children. It’s under the argument that it’s emphasizing their autonomy in making decisions about their gender identity.

2. Secularization and the Decline of Religious Influence

The secularization movement, marked by reduced religious influence in public and private life, has affected societal values and norms. As secular ideologies became more prominent, moral and ethical decisions started to depend more on human reasoning instead of religious teachings.

  • Consequences:

    • Abortion: The moral debate often excludes religious perspectives, framing it as a medical and personal issue.
    • Surrogacy: Ethical considerations in secular terms focus on contractual agreements rather than potential moral implications.
    • Decline of Marriage: Marriage is viewed as a sacred union. It reduces its societal significance.
    • Gender Identity Transitions for Kids: Decisions about gender identity within a secular framework emphasize psychological and individual rights perspectives.

3. Sexual Revolution

The Sexual Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s changed societal views on sex and relationships. It definitely influences modern trends. It questioned established norms and pushed for more openness and freedom in sexual expression.


This era led to wider acceptance of premarital sex, contraception, and diverse sexual orientations and identities. It empowered women and the LGBTQ+ community by promoting discussions on sexual health and rights. Over the years, the revolution’s principles have shaped various societal areas, including media, entertainment, education, and law, encouraging more liberal discussions about sex and relationships. This shift has expanded personal freedoms and sparked debates on the balance between liberty and responsibility in sexual behavior.

  • Consequences:

    • Abortion: The Sexual Revolution helped normalize discussions around sexual health and reproductive rights. It contributed to the push for legalized abortion. This era saw increased advocacy for women’s rights to choose. It highlights abortion as a critical aspect of autonomy and control over one’s reproductive life.
    • Surrogacy: As views on traditional family structures changed, surrogacy grew more accepted as a valid way to build families. This change was especially important for individuals and couples who couldn’t conceive naturally. It includes LGBTQ+ communities. These groups gained more visibility and rights during and after the Sexual Revolution.
    • Decline of Marriage: The Sexual Revolution prompted a rethinking of marriage as the only valid setting for sexual relationships and parenting. As cohabitation, casual relationships, and other non-traditional partnerships became more accepted, marriage rates dropped. People began exploring different relationship formats beyond marriage.
    • Gender Identity Transitions for Kids: The movement’s effort to dismantle traditional gender roles and advocate for personal freedom paved the way for wider acceptance of transgender identities. This has shaped modern approaches to children’s gender identity, encouraging early recognition and support for gender-diverse youth.

4. Technological and Medical Advancements

Advancements in technology and medicine have revolutionized our capabilities. It goes from reproductive technologies to medical treatments for gender dysphoria. These advancements have expanded possibilities but also raised complex ethical questions.

  • Consequences:

    • Abortion: Medical advancements have made abortion safer and more accessible. It’s now perceived as a viable option for many.
    • Surrogacy: Technological advancements in reproductive technologies have made surrogacy more feasible and widespread.
    • Decline of Marriage: Technological changes have altered communication and relationship dynamics. It contributed to shifts in marriage trends.
    • Gender Identity Transitions for Kids: Medical advancements have enabled more options for gender transitions. It increased their feasibility and acceptance.

5. Consumerism and Commodification

The rise of consumerism and the commodification of life have shaped societal views on individuals and relationships.


Often, this perspective turns complex human experiences into mere transactions and products.

  • Consequences:

    • Abortion: In the commodification of healthcare, abortion is sometimes viewed as a service or product.
    • Surrogacy: Surrogacy is treated as a commercial transaction. It highlights concerns about commodifying women’s bodies and children.
    • Decline of Marriage: Marriage is seen from a consumerist perspective. In this case, the focus is on personal satisfaction and convenience.
    • Gender Identity Transitions for Kids: Medical treatments for gender transitions approached in consumerist terms stress choice and access.

Tricky Changes

The trend towards dehumanization in modern society stems from various movements focusing on individualism, secularization, sexual revolution, technological progress, and consumerism. These movements have reshaped societal values to emphasize personal autonomy and choice. Although they have provided more freedoms and opportunities, they also bring significant ethical and moral challenges, especially concerning abortion, surrogacy, marriage, and gender identity. Tackling these challenges demands a deep understanding of the movements and their complex effects on today’s society.